Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You can run but cannot hide

So how many of you have been avoiding technology??

Well, if i guess correctly, you guys have all grown up with technology and it's pretty much implanted in your DNA. It comes naturally to most of us. Most of us dont' pick up the User Manual to figure out how to use the complex devices we carry now days.

Be honest, how many of you actually read your cell phone manuals???

In this day and age of technology I look back and see my dad. He tries REALLY hard to keep up with technology, but I see him often struggling with things. Unexpected messages on his computer screen often catch him off guard and scare him.
"Is this a virus?"
"What does this mean?"
"What is it doing now?"
These are all questions he's continously asking himself and if I put myself in his shoes, I can see why!

I just hope that when our kids are in there teens, they aren't saying the same thing about us!!
We already see the younger generations getting a head start. I never owned a cell phone till I was in university - and now you see highschool kids who have barely entered the teenage life and busy "sexting" each other.

What do you think? Are we just like technology and get obsolete as time goes, or do we have a fighting chance to keep up with generations to come?

Until next time...

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